AN tATH DENIS G QUINN 074 9739008/0868578827
The Fourth Sunday of Easter 2nd /3rd May 2020
Masses and Exposition this week continues to be cancelled with the direction given by Diocese and State. Private Masses booked will be celebrated by Fr Denis G on dates booked.
A Guide
The Presence of God
As I sit here, god is present,
Breathing life into me and into everything around me.
For a few moments, I sit silently,
And become aware of Gods loving presence.
If God were trying to tell me something, would I know?
If God were reassuring me of challenging me,
Would I notice?
I ask for the grace to be free of my own preoccupations
And open to what God may be saying to me.
In God’s loving presence I unwind the past day,
Starting from now and looking back, moment by moment.
I gather in all the goodness and light, in gratitude.
I attend to the shadows and what they say to me,
Seeking healing, courage, forgiveness.
The Word
I take my time to read to the Word of God, slowly, a few times,
Allowing myself to dwell on anything that strikes me.
What is stirring in me as I pray?
Am I consoled, troubled, left cold?
I imagine Jesus himself standing or sitting at my side,
And share my feelings with him.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
World without end.
Cúimhneacháin Báis
Died Recently Anniversaries
Margaret Donegan,Teelin Michael & Margaret McGill, Straleel
Catherine Doogan, Glencolmcille Maureen & Denis Cunningham, Mass Sat 2nd
Patrick Joseph McGinely, Malinmore Mary Gillespie, Meenavean, Mass Sat 9th
I thank you for your support to the Church at this time.
Donations/Envelopes can be dropped into the Parochial House at anytime.
Last week collection amount to €260
The Graveyard is a place of rest and a garden for our loved ones who
have gone to God. In recent times I have noted large amounts of waste material (e.g
old wreaths, extra clay, stone) being dumped. This has caused me great concern, I
would immediately ask all people to bring their waste home and all workers to bring
waste away. Fr Denis G
Family Prayer
During these difficult times people are encouraged to pray at home. It
is an important time for family prayer and I Fr Denis G ask you to pray for your own
family and also for families in our parish. We also should remember all those who
work in difficult situations at this time.
Tháinig Aingeal an Tiarna le teachtaireacht chuig Muire,
Agus ghabh sí ón Spiorad Naomh. ‘Sé do beatha, a Mhuire, srl. Féach mise
searbhónta an Tiarna, Déantar liom mar dúrais. ‘Sé do beatha, a Mhuire, srl. Rinneadh
feoil den Bhriathar Agus chónaigh sé eadrainn. ‘Sé do beatha, a Mhuire, srl. Guigh
orainn a Naomh Mháthair Dé, Ionas go mb’fhiú sinn geallúna Chríost. Guímis Doirt
anuas, impímid ort, a Thiarna, do ghrásta in ár gcroíthe, ionas sinne a fuair fios ar
ionchollú Chríost, do Mhac, trí theachtaireacht an Aingil, go dtiocfaimid trí luaíocht a
pháise agus a chroíse chun ghlóire na haiséirí, tríd an Chríost céanna, ár dTiarna,