Áislann Chill Chartha are holiday a Family Fun Day in the Áislann Sports hall and a Car Boot Sale in the Áislann Mall on the
Bank Holiday Weekend 29th April 2017
From 1 - 4 p.m.
Tables provided for Boot Sale €15
To book a table Tel: 074 9738376
Plenty of fun for children at the Fun Day in the Áislann Sports Hall with the large bouncy castle and small bouncy castles with ball pool (Suitable for toddlers & young children)
There will be plenty of fun and games.
Refreshments Available and Tuck Shop will be open.
During the Fun Day we will be screening the film
ZooTropolis @ 2 p.m.
From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), a wily fox who makes her job even harder.
Fun Day Admission (includes film)
Children €5 ~ Family Concession ~ Adults Free
Young children must be supervised and accompanied by an adult
Áislann Chill Chartha Fun Day and Car Boot Sale
- Details