Coláiste Aoidh Mhic Bhricne ag ceiliúradh 60 Bliain

Beidh Coláiste Aoidh Mhic Bhricne ag ceiliúradh 60 Bliain bunaithe an deireadh seachtaine seo chugainn. Cuirfear tús leis an cheiliúradh le hoíche cheoil sa Rusty oíche Dé hAoine.

Tá sraith imeachtaí eagraithe don Shatharn. Beidh dianchúrsa Gaeilge ar siúl sa choláiste óna 9.30am – 12.30pm Dé Sathairn. Cuirfear trí rang Gaeilge ar siúl ag leibhéal éagsúla idir bunrang, méanrang agus ard rang. Tá fáilte roimh achan duine.

Beidh siúlóid treoraithe go barr Shliabh a’ Liag ag fágáil an choláiste ar a 2pm. Daofa siúd nach bhfuil tógtha leis an siúl sléibhe, beidh ceardlann amhránaíocht ar siúil sa choláiste idir 2.15 agus 5.30pm.

Tosóidh siamsaíocht an tráthnóna ar a 7.30pm ina mbeidh fáiltiú fíona, agus soláistí bí ar fáil. Beidh óráidí na hoíche ar siúil i ndiaidh seo. Beidh ceol agus siamsaíocht céilí ar siúl le ceoltóirí áitiúla agus sean chairde an choláiste óna 9 – 10.30pm. Bogfaidh an tsiamsíocht go dtí an Rusty i ndiaidh soe ina mbeidh tuilleadh ceoil agus craic.

Tá fearabh na fáilte roimh achan duine chuig imeachtaí an cheiliúrtha. Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais, seol ríomhphost chuig This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. nó 087 270 1200.

Coláiste Aoidh Mhic Bhricne celebrating 60 years

Coláiste Aoidh Mhic Bhricne will be celebrating 60 years of the summer college in Teelin this weekend. The celebrations will begin with a music session in the Rusty on Friday night with local musicians and former students of the college.

The theme for the celebration is ‘An Coláiste Samhraidh: Caith lá eile i dTeileann’.  A full day’s events are planned for Saturday.  Irish language classes catering for all levels from beginners to more fluent speakers will be held in the college from 9.30am – 12.30pm.  All are welcome, the classes will be relaxed and informal.

There will be a guided walk across Sliabh a’ Liag leaving the College at 2pm.  At the same time, there will be an Irish-language singing workshop in the college from 2.15 – 5.30pm.

The evening entertainment will begin at 7.30pm at the college. Food and wine will be available from 7.30pm. There will be a small presentation and speeches at 8.30pm followed by a Céilí and music with local musicians and former students at 9pm. The entertainment will move on to the Rusty afterwards.

For further information; contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 087 270 1200. 





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